If you want to be the hippest gift-giver at the next baby shower, scroll down to see our newest First Friday showing. This fun collection is called, Hello There. It comes to you from the imagination of Julianna Heck Larsen, who is a little bit cooler than her mom. But just a little.

And, it’s not just fun and games. It’s educational, too. The strong black and white drawings with bright accent colors are inspired by a newborn baby’s interest in high contrast shapes and colors early in development.

It’s true! Newborns prefer black and white geometric shapes … just ask Mr. Google. The studies go on for pages. But, the bonus to this group is that grown-ups love black and white, too. So decorating a nursery with Hello There and friends is a win-win for parent and child.

We actually began brainstorming for this group when our studio baby was born. When he was only a few weeks old, we loved watching him learn. His first fascinations were with all things black and white. As we watched him study and admire his first high-contrast toy, his good buddy Licorice , we knew that we just had to create some black and white artwork for our shop … and Hello There was born.

Although this group is perfect for new babies, it is also designed for older learners. We are especially excited to add downloadable PDF prints to our mix, which are perfect for your preschooler. You can print the entire alphabet of cute characters from your own printer the minute you hit the button. This could be handy if it’s almost time for bed, as these make a perfect bedtime flashcard game with your toddler. “S is for Snail … and S is for … Sleepy … you are feeling veeeerrry sleepy.”

We can’t forget the tummies. We are adding some fun new designs from this group to our One for Onezee™ program. Each soft organic cotton onezee is embroidered in our Austin, Texas studio. And, with every onezee purchased, a new onezee is given to a baby in need.

And we are delighted to share that the second onezees will be given to babies who are assisted by the wonderful Any Baby Can organization. The work that they are able to do with children in need is humbling and inspiring.

We hope you enjoy our happy new alphabet family. I’m not sure we can guarantee a higher SAT score, but I know we can guarantee a higher baby twinkle score. And, we hope that you have as much fun watching your little ones learn and grow as we do with our own little studio fella. Happy First Friday!